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Large Language Models (LLMs) have been the subject of active research, significantly advancing the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP). From BERT to BLOOM, LLMs have surpassed state-of-the-art results in various natural language tasks such as question answering, summarization, and text generation. Many ongoing efforts focus on understanding LLMs' capabilities, including their knowledge of the world, syntax, and semantics. However, extending the textual prowess of LLMs to symbolic reasoning has been slow and predominantly focused on tackling problems related to the mathematical field. In this paper, we explore the use of LLMs for automated planning - a branch of AI concerned with the realization of action sequences (plans) to achieve a goal, typically executed by intelligent agents, autonomous robots, and unmanned vehicles. We introduce Plansformer; an LLM fine-tuned on planning problems and capable of generating plans with favorable behavior in terms of correctness and length with reduced knowledge-engineering efforts. We also demonstrate the adaptability of Plansformer in solving different planning domains with varying complexities, owing to the transfer learning abilities of LLMs. For one configuration of Plansformer, we achieve ~97% valid plans, out of which ~95% are optimal for Towers of Hanoi - a puzzle-solving domain.
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TMIC是一种应用程序发明家扩展,用于部署ML模型,以在教育环境中使用Google Tochable Machine开发的图像分类。 Google Thotable Machine是一种直观的视觉工具,可为开发用于图像分类的ML模型提供面向工作流的支持。针对使用Google Tochable Machine开发的模型的使用,扩展TMIC可以作为App Inventor的一部分,以tensorflow.js为tensorflow.js导出的受过训练的模型,这是最受欢迎的基于块的编程环境之一,用于教学计算计算K-12。该扩展名是使用基于扩展图片的App Inventor扩展框架创建的,可在BSD 3许可下获得。它可用于在K-12中,在高等教育的入门课程中或有兴趣创建具有图像分类的智能应用程序的任何人。扩展TMIC是由Initiative Computa \ c {C} \ 〜Ao Na Escola的信息学和统计系的圣卡塔纳纳大学/巴西大学提供的研究工作的一部分,旨在在K-中引入AI教育。 12。
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